Monday, November 7, 2011


Looking back on 2011,years from now,it will be only the September comebacks that will be cited.But that is more than enough- the two greatest team chocking/winning results in history and one per league to boot.The Boston meltdown which noone could foresee brings back the curse concept though not to the previous level .That can never be replicated.The National League equivalent wasn't as dramatic.


R V said...

Are you sure about that? I'm pretty certain that Game 6 will be remembered for a long long time. Certainly younger fans already describe it as the best game in history but I am sure even longstanding fans of the game will reminisce about it as one of the greatest.

Did ESPN just replay the game on its ESPN Classics network?

Sy said...

You are correct,game 6 was great as a single post-season game. Season analysis is different.