Sunday, March 13, 2011

2011 Divisions

In the National League,only the West division is strong throughout.The East and Central have two strong teams each.That is going to make for a long season for the seven teams who will never be in the race.

In the American League,similar story with the East strong(Baltimore the exception) and the West and Central having very weak sisters,one and three respectively. This will bloat the records of the top teams and allow a lesser team from the weaker divisions to win the wild card.
That holds true in both Leagues. Its a fact of life in most sports and arguably makes for more interesting races.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I would beg to differ on several fronts.

First, which two teams were you referring to in the NL Central? Gotta have StL, Cin and Mil in the debate.

I wouldn't include SDG as a strong team, not in 2011 anyway.

And I'm a big fan of Baltimore's offense; from 1-6 they can hit hard: Roberts, Markakis, Lee, Wieters, Jones, Fox. All of them can hold their own in the AL East. Although their pitching will certainly lose more games than the hitting could win...

I would suggest that we debate the notion of including more teams in the playoffs to enhance the excitement in September.